Charles Jillings

Director, ICM Limited

Charles Jillings joined the ICM Group in 1995, established ICM Investment Research Limited in 1997 and ICM Investment Management Limited in 2015, and is based in Epsom, UK. Charles is a Director of ICM Limited, ICM Investment Research Limited and ICM Investment Management Limited. Charles qualified as a chartered accountant and has extensive experience in corporate finance and asset management. Charles is responsible for the day to day running of UIL Limited and Utilico Emerging Markets Trust plc, and has over thirty years of experience in international financial markets. Charles was formerly a non-executive director of Utilico Investment Trust plc and Utilico Emerging Markets Limited, and he is an experienced non-executive director. Charles is currently a director of Somers Limited, L&C Waverton, and ICM Mobility Group Limited. Charles graduated from University of Cape Town with a B. Com. and qualified as a South African Chartered Accountant in 1980.
